Learn about new features and functionalities in TSO Mobile's GPS Vehicle Tracking & Fleet Management System.
Monitoring vehicle activities related to engine performance is key in the operations of a fleet of vehicles. Not being aware of how your vehicles and fuel might be getting affected could hurt your business finances. The new “Engine Status Report” lets you generate statistics and analytics about the following information:
• Working Hours: Total hours with the ignition ON and moving.
• Idling Hours: Total hours with the ignition ON and idling.
• Total Engine Hours: Total hours with the ignition ON.
• Working Fuel: Total fuel consumed while moving.
• Idling Fuel: Total fuel consumed while idling.
• Total Fuel: Total fuel consumed while moving and idling.
• Distance Driven: Distance Driven on the selected time span.
• Fuel Economy: Ratio between distance driven and total fuel consumed.
To generate this report: Go to the “REPORTS” tab, then click on the “ENGINE STATUS REPORT” under the “VEHICLE PC REPORTS” module on the left.
Install our FUEL SENSOR in your vehicles and start monitoring changes in fuel levels.
The new “Fuel Levels History” report works together with the fuel sensor to display information about when the fuel raised and dropped during a specific time frame.
Additional to this report we have many other tools that let monitor fuel usage when the fuel sensor is installed in the vehicle.
To generate this report: Go to the “REPORTS” tab, then click on the “FUEL LEVELS HISTORY” report under the “SENSORS REPORT” module on the left.
CALL US NOW AT 1(877) 477-2922 to learn about fuel sensors and how to get them.
The Search Bar added to the new Beta Version of the system lets you look for anything you need in a more efficient way.
You can search for vehicles, landmarks, geofences, work orders and have them display on the map. This will save you time from having to go through different modules and navigation menus to get to where you need to.
Not a user of TSO Mobile's GPS Vehicle Tracking and Fleet Management System yet?
Our GPS Tracking Specialists can guide you to better understand our system and its benefits for you and your business.

Or call us at 1 (877) 477 - 2922.